Overview | Features | Demos & Examples | Add-ons
The following are a few of the features included in our quick promotional / starter websites.
- We will set-up the core files, applications and one of our website frameworks on your hosting server, and make sure your website address is connecting to the right files.
- We will create up to 5 pages to help you to orginize your written content, pre-selected photos and videos into. Keep in mind that all our starter sites allow for the option to add unlimited pages to your website when needed in the future. The reason we picked 5 as the limit for the starter website packages is to keep your costs lower. It really only takes four pages to make up a website (as an example… introduction/home page, products/services, additional info, and contact us.).
- Your able to log into your website to make changes, additions and alterations whenever you want.
- The starter sites are expandable when you need it in the future, without having to start from scratch again.
- You will always have a lifetime, single-user, single-use, non-transferable license to use the website for as long as you live with no monthly or yearly fees.
- Also allows us to help with any alterations at a lower cost when using one of our website frameworks.
- Can connect to any of your other internet resources (Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, YouTube, Myspace, PayPal, Google Maps etc. and etc.)
- Your able to include your own photos in the content.
- Automatically scales down your photos to 960 pixels wide. This saves a lot of time when your adding photos to your website.
- You can, at any time, change the top image on any/every page to better suit the content you have on each. Ask about our optional template file for these images.
- Allows for adding caption (highlight) text to selected photos.
- Add your logo to any page.
- Include your YouTube Videos on any page you want.
- Password protect selected pages for whatever reason.
- Our Framework runs with one of the worlds most popular CMS engines so we can pass some additional features on for free to you.
- Expandable to include a Blog Site in the future. Ask about a few of the options that are available for this set-up.
- SEO “Search Engine Optimization” ready if needed in the future*… Keep in mind that most SEO companies are sharks… They contact you out of the blue and try to scare you by convincing you that your losing a lot of business/traffic without their “SEO” services. Then they tell you that they can bring thousands of hits to your website a day or week when in fact they put your info on irrelevant lists of links that trick people that are not interested in your products / services to visit to your site. This in turn will allow them to show you stats with big numbers that mean nothing to your bottom line. In the end they overcharge you, and when you stop paying them for their service everything you paid them to do is removed like they didn’t even exist or do any work for you at all. Everything you paid them for is lost. Call Us before you ever go down this road and we’ll see if we can give a little more advice.
Call or send us an email if you would like more details on our Promotional / Starter Websites.
Overview | Features | Demos & Examples | Add-ons
Do you already have your
Domain Name and Hosting Set-up?
If required, ask about our Website Hosting and Website Address Registration set-up service.
Information on Website Hosting and Domain Names (www.YourWebsite.com).
*Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting are are not included in our website package prices. We keep this cost out of the “package prices” so you as a return customer don’t have to keep paying us the hosting cost every time you want to create another website on your hosting server. Most good hosting services allow for you to have additional websites (20+) running on the same hosting package with no additional hosting costs. By removing the hosting costs from our package prices we’re able to transfer 100% of the savings on to you.
Once everything is set up it will only cost you about 8 dollars a month… This money does not go to us. it’s a hard cost that anyone on the internet with a website has to pay to a hosting company. The cost for hosting is, on average, about 8 to 9 dollars a month and each of your domain names about 12.00 a year. Both are annual costs and come to less then what you would spend on a set of business cards each year. As mentioned above, the hosting packages also come with, at no additional cost for hosting, the option to have more than one website running at a time for free (it’s included in their hosting package). Some of our clients have a few of our promotional / starter packages to highlight their other ideas and ventures.
We should also mention that we do not “mark-up” hosting costs. We offer the set-up service to help people get started and to save the average person about 2 days of time trying to figure out how to set these two elements up. In the end the ownership for your Domain Name(s) and Hosting are in your name.
Let us know if you require our services to help you with setting up your Domain Name and Hosting.
Overview | Features | Demos & Examples | Add-ons
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